
Wisteria Artificial Flowers Wholesale in Yiwu, China

- Mar. 09, 2020

Wisteria Artificial Flowers Wholesale in Yiwu, ChinaWisteria Artificial Flowers Wholesale in Yiwu, China

4 types of best sellers artificial flowers wholesale in Yiwu, China. Price, minimum order quantity, specs and so on... by a local guide.

Hang Up (Garland) Type

A:  Classical Long Version

Classical Long Version wisteria artificial flowers wholesale in Yiwu China, for hang up / garland usageClassical Long Version wisteria artificial flowers wholesale in Yiwu China, for hang up / garland usage

This is classical best seller with 3 wisteria flowers length at 55 cm, 35 cm and 20 cm. Total length 110 cm.

  • Price: 2.00 RMB (0.29 USD)
  • MOQ (Minimum order quantity): 12 pcs

Top 1 best seller wisteria artificial flowers wholesale Yiwu China for hang up / garlands, all 7 colorsLong version wisteria artificial flowers wholesale Yiwu China, 7 colors

7 colors available.

B: Short Version

Short Version wisteria artificial flowers wholesale in Yiwu China, for hang up / garland usageShort Version wisteria artificial flowers wholesale in Yiwu China, for hang up / garland usage

This wisteria is a classical short version with 3 strings of 20 cm long wisteria flowers. Total length 75 cm.

  • Price: 1.80 RMB (0.26 USD)
  • MOQ: 12 pcs (one pack)

C: New Lush Version

New lush version wisteria artificial flowers wholesale in Yiwu China, for hang up / garland usageNew lush version wisteria artificial flowers wholesale in Yiwu China, for hang up / garland usage

This new lush version artificial wisteria has 3 strings,  55 cm long flowers, with bigger flower petals. Looks more flowery.

  • price: 2.40 RMB (0.34 USD)
  • MOQ: 12 pcs (one pack)

Wisteria flower petal difference between classical long version and new lush version.Wisteria flower petal difference between classical long version and new lush version.

Wisteria flower differences between new and old version wisteria.

3 Best seller wisteria wholesale in Yiwu China, for hang up / garland purpose3 Best seller wisteria wholesale in Yiwu China, for hang up / garland purpose

3 versions wisterias in one picture.

Input (Put in vase) Type

A: 3 Flowers Version

  • Price: 9.90 RMB (1.41 USD)
  • Flowers: 23 cm long flowers strings * 3
  • Total height: 100 CM
  • MOQ: 10 pc

B: 2 Flowers Version

Wisteria artificial flowers (2 flowers version) wholesale in Yiwu, China, for input / vase purposeWisteria artificial flowers (2 flowers version) wholesale in Yiwu, China, for input / vase purpose
  • Price: 8.50 RMB (1.21 USD)
  • Flowers: 25 cm long flowers string * 1 + 14 cm long flowers string * 1
  • Total height: 100 CM
  • MOQ: 12 pc

Wisteria artificial flowers wholesale in Yiwu, China, for input / vase purpose, all colors.Wisteria artificial flowers wholesale in Yiwu, China, for input / vase purpose, all colors.

Both versions have lots of colors available.

Twine (climb with rattan) Type

5 Flowers Version

Wisteria artificial flowers (5 flowers version) wholesale in Yiwu, China, for twine with rattan purposeWisteria artificial flowers (5 flowers version) wholesale in Yiwu, China, for twine with rattan purpose
  • Price: 7.00 RMB (1.00 USD)
  • Flowers: 20 cm flower string * 5 
  • Length: 200 cm
  • MOQ: 10 pcs

10 Flowers Lush Version

Wisteria artificial flowers (10 flowers version) wholesale in Yiwu, China, for twine with rattan purposeWisteria artificial flowers (10 flowers version) wholesale in Yiwu, China, for twine with rattan purpose
  • Price: 35 RMB (5.00 USD)
  • Flowers: 35 cm flower string * 5  + 20 cm flower string * 5 
  • Leafs: real touch
  • Length: 200 cm
  • MOQ: 12 pcs

Extra Large Type

Extra large Wisteria artificial flowers, adult size, wholesale in Yiwu, China. 168 cmExtra large Wisteria artificial flowers, adult size, wholesale in Yiwu, China. 168 cm

This is an extra large size wisteria flower, almost the same height as an adult, used for certain purposes.

  • Price: 34 RMB (4.86 USD)
  • Flowers: 3 flower string 
  • Height: 168 cm
  • MOQ: 12 pcs

Extra large Wisteria artificial flowers, adult size, wholesale in Yiwu, China. 5 colorsExtra large Wisteria artificial flowers, adult size, wholesale in Yiwu, China. 5 colors

Lots of colors available.

Extra large Wisteria artificial flowers, adult size, wholesale in Yiwu, China. DetailsExtra large Wisteria artificial flowers, adult size, wholesale in Yiwu, China. Details

Fine, real touch details.

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Hi, this is Girish from Rajkot , India. How much if i order 50 cartons of 110cm new lush wisteria ship to Rajkot India? I live in India where I …

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