50 cartons of 110cm new lush wisteria ship to Rajkot India

by Girish
(Rajkot , India.)

Hi, this is Girish from Rajkot , India.

How much if i order 50 cartons of 110cm new lush wisteria ship to Rajkot India?

I live in India where I buy wholesale goods from Ahmedabad with Artificial Flowers from wholesale. I have China to buy goods and if there is an idar batch, then what tax do I have to pay? If I ask for your goods, how will I pay for the payment. price in Indian currency.How do you send me that product and when will I receive it?

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Mar 14, 2020
product plus freight plus tax to Rajkot India
by: Jack Yang

Dear Girish,

product cost: 50 ctns * 50 pkg * 12 pcs per pkg * 0.34 = 10, 200 USD (754,381 INR).

Freight cost: 12 cbm * 21000 inr/cbm = 252,000 INR

Tax: 72000 INR GST tax which you can get back from government later.

Can load in next container on 20 March and you will get goods at rajkot between 20-25 April.

You can pay freight and gst when you receive products, but products need to be sent to our account before we ship out. I hope this i clear for you. Thanks

Mar 14, 2020
*products cost must be paid before we ship out
by: Jack Yang

* correction: product cost must be paid in USD to our account before we ship out. Freight and GST tax can be paid in INR when you receive products in Rajkot. Thanks

Mar 16, 2020
by: Rajat Grg

Nihao ,
I want to import electronics or any other profitable item to India.
Can you please Guide relatively.

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