-Mar.16, 2025.
I can recommend this 3PL warehouse in Yiwu China for e-commerce, esp. Amazon sellers. For it's location, infrastructure, experiences, and local government policies.
Check it out today!
Yiwu is only about 3 hours away from the largest cargo sea port(Ningbo), and second largest cargo sea port(Shanghai) in China.
It has very good highways, and railways connect to these sea ports.
Yiwu is located in a center of China by manufacturing and shipping. Most of the products can reach Yiwu within 2 days nationwide.
Within 5 minutes drive to Yiwu market which is the largest worldwide make it easy accessible to packing materials.
And cheap shipping rates because this market draws in and out lots of cargos inside China. It's a hub for China made products.
Unlike using factory space for warehouse. This warehouse was designed and built for handling containers with loading docks which makes it easy and safe to load containers.
This warehouse is fully covered by cameras, and it's been watched full time.
This makes it a safe place to store your inventory.
this place is equipped with plenty fireproof facilities and is well managed on a daily basis.
causing fire is highly unlikely to happen here.
This place is a state owned infrastructure which offers stability, for year to come.
You should not worry about all the hassles caused by a sudden change of warehouse.
This warehouse has already been running for over 3 full years. It has a team experienced with Amazon FBA requirements.
In fact, the same team is performing Amazon FBA inspection occasionally, both inside this warehouse and outside inside factories.
They know most of the How-To for being a 3pl warehouse for Amazon sellers(labelling, repacking, kitting/bundling, inspection, shipping etc.).
Yiwu has a very supportive local policy with tax, infrastructure, and management.
Plus, Yiwu has its own customs which is very experienced with handing containers mixed with different products inside. It is the top 1 efficient customs in China for mixed container inspection.
*You can either email us at: YiwuMarketGuide@gmail.com;
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Or WhatsApp us by the code at bottom of this page, or via mobile phone number +86 159 2428 6660, from 9am to 9pm(China time);
Or visit us at: F2, 2-7, Huan Qu Yi Da (Yiwu Global Reach) Supply Chain Park, Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province, China.
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