
You have shown me the huge value of working with a responsible, honest agent

by Megan
(New Zealand)

Hello Tony & Jack

My shipment arrived yesterday afternoon, thankyou. The wrapping of the box's is ideal as some were quite crunched when they arrived, only one had been opened - I am assuming for customs inspection.

I apologise for the many queries regarding this shipment, but I am sure you are able to appreciate my wariness in actually receiving these goods. The second tracking number you gave me listed the total weight as 14kg and I know for sure all the goods were heavier than that.

You have shown me the huge value of working with a responsible, honest agent in facilitating purchase and shipment of goods from Yiwu. I will be returning there next year and will contact you in advance for your services.

Thankyou so very much again for tidying up from non-performing Sand Song, I appreciate your direct communication and actions.

Many Thanks

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Dec 30, 2013
glad to help
by: Jack and Tony

Thank you Megan, glad to help. See you soon :)

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