
Yiwu Market Visit Check List

Get prepared with this A -> Z check list. Not miss anything important. PDF version free down at bottom of this page.

Step 1: Set up Goals  -  What to do?

To Explore Without Buy.

There are lots of reasons for paying an exploratory trip to Yiwu market:

1. To See what's going on:

Take I myself as an example:  

I only heard of Yiwu has a big wholesale market occasionally. After losing my job, finishing my entrepreneur dream in Guangzhou, got nothing to do, I was told:

- "you can be a translator in Yiwu market"  

-"... Okay?!"

I jumped on a train, brought my little folding bike with me, came to Yiwu.

Just to see what's going on.

After 5 yrs, we're a group of 2 companies and 12 people in Yiwu.

(Only if you're interested, you can  click here to see our company timeline,  and click here to see how i started this business from not-even-a-scratch.  May take you 5-10 mins reading! )

2. To get product / price ideas:

We have customer S from Canada. He is a leading display distributor.

He was visiting a factory in Yiwu then. After factory visits, he still had some spare time. So he hired me for half a day to check out the market.

We ended up with continuous business since then. We help his company with sourcing, ordering, shipping.  And factory verification, quality inspection, container load watch occasionally. 

3. To travel only:

Generally speaking, Yiwu is not a place for tourists. They should go walking Great Wall in Beijing, or taking photos of clay soldiers that made 2000 yrs ago in Xi'an, or take a cruise in Guilin, or climb the highest mountains in Tibet... But, Yiwu do has something for tourists too.

For example 1:

As a result of big foreign population and tourists in Yiwu, you can have the best Turkish halal restaurant and best Indian restaurant and best Korean restaurant and Best Thai food restaurant, the best Italian restaurant all within 20mins taxi from your hotel.

You can see belly dancing in an Arab restaurant or drink traditional Croatia coffee in a coffee bar run by a Croatia owner,  in handmade traditional cups brought over from Croatia.

For example 2:

As a result of big immigrant working population from other parts of China, you can have the best Shanxi noodles, best Wenzhou seafood, best spicy Hunan food, most delicious Sichuan food, and Chinese Muslim food, Yiwu local food all at one same little street within 10mins taxi to your hotel.

For example 3:

For a small city in China of 1.6 million people, Yiwu has four 5 star hotels opened, and another one on the road. Hundreds of high speed trains and flights connecting Yiwu with other cities in China, as well as Hong Kong, Korea, and Dubai (not officially open).


To Test With Small & Easy Buy

A limited number of products, value less than 15,000USD, cash and carry, buy stock then ship door to door shortly.

We have customer D from U.S. , only bought 65 cartons handbags in 2010. Now he is one of the leading fashion accessories distributors in US, carrying a full line of bags, jewelry, scarf, head wear, garments, even pet and home products  of total 5+ million US$ turnover yearly.

We also have many many other small cash and carry buyers bought once, then never came back. This all depend on how things work out. You will never know without trying. Yiwu market worth a try for small and easy buy.

TO Have Big & Extensive Buy

Buying for next 6 - 12 months. Full container load. Value over 15,000USD. Need to go through order->produce->collect->QC->ship.

Example 1:

We have customer D from Spain in vending toys business. She is buying mainly from factories. But paying a visit to Yiwu market helps her develop new selections super fast. Getting ideas from over 2,000 showrooms within a day is not something can be found anywhere else in the world that opens 7 days a week. 

She can finish"Jungle animals" collection (consists of mouse, snake, bat,chilopod, lizard at a price point of 0.12USD /pc, and "Emozi" collection (consist of various emotions pendants at a price point of 0.23USD/pc), and several other collections all in one day.

The most important, she can have our professional guide to be with her who already worked with her since 2013, to show package, instructions paper, quality inspection points.

This only cost one day!

Example 2:

We have customer B from Brizil has a dozen concept stores. They visit us twice a year (April and October). Each time spend 50,000 to 150,000 USD for next season. Develop a collection covers arts&crafts, jewelry, handbag and scarf. They order some products as they are, then change some designs based on existing products.

Same, they have our professional guide who has been worked with them since 2014, all the time with her.

Example 3:

We have customer P from US. He runs multi businesses. Visit us once a year. Each time they can end up a dozen products that will re-order all year round. Each year can spend 200,000 to 1,000,000USD.

They have our professional guide who has been working with them since 2014 to understand their products, package, shipping...  if they're not happy with what available in market, our guide continue sourcing and sampling till a new product is finalized. 

Step 2: Select A Right Agent - Who to work with?

You always need a GOOD agent to take care.   But they can function differently:

To explore without buy, you may not need any agents:

With information on this site, plus resources and helping tools online, you can finish visiting Yiwu all by yourself. 

However, having a few agents in the pipeline is always good. You can contact 1 or 2 agents in advance, then keep their contact information. They can help you when you need. Better let them know when you may need them so they can schedule. Or, they may not have time for you.

Our option for you: we offer all necessary information and resources for Yiwu visit, for FREE.

You are welcomed to come to our office for a meeting at 9am in the morning before you go to market, or 5pm when you finish browsing market (when traffic is too bad to go back to hotel). We're located right in the middle of Yiwu market. 

A 20mins meeting costs you nothing but can help you a lot.

To test with small and easy buy, you need an agent, only for some time:

You only need to have the agent to be with you to evaluate supplier and confirm order details(product, package, delivery, payment terms, shipping). You can select potential suppliers all by your own.

With some preparation and good guidance in advance. You need a good agent help with preparation and guidance, then have time for you to confirm orders during your visit.

Our options for you:

  1. Offer you supply information here, along with suggestions and guidance, for you to plan visit. You need to contact us in advance with your products details and what quantity you need.
  2. Meet you before you start visit market to offer necessary help
  3. Confirm order details, arrange collection, perform inspection and handle shipping after your visit. 

*You're always welcomed to visit us after 9am or 5pm for a 10 mins talk. Or leave whatever cash-and-carry you bought in our office(200 squre meter with a garage as warehouse in basement)

Our experience, facility and willing to help will make your buying easy and safe.

TO have big and extensive buy - you need a very good agent to be with you, all the time:

For this occasion, you will need an agent full time to be with you. And you need to book a good one in advance.

I'm sure you don't feel confident with your next season selling unless you feel 100% reliable with your agent, who is going to look after all your buying. Give 30,000USD to someone you don't feel right may cause awful feeling in your stomach.

So, you need a good agent. A reliable, trustworthy, professional, hard-working agent to do serious business and make solid profit with you.


Screen out the ones you don't like;

Talk to a few see if they meet your expectation;

Visit a few to see how is everything set up;

Work with a few to see how they can help.

Trust me, this may take you some time at the beginning, but it will pay off well in the end. A good agent help you turn things from average to good to better then best; A bad agent goes to the opposite. 

For more detailed tips, click here to see how to find a good Yiwu agent? (remember to come back here for next)

Our option is: contact us, tell us, come to meet us, try us, then make your own decision. We may not be the best one(i don't know who are), but we ARE, a good one.

Step 3: Plan travel - from A to Z

When to come? and for how long?

1. Do not buy, small and easy buy:

 Come over at whatever good time for you. Better avoid two times: April 15 - May 05; Oct.15 - Nov.05.

This 2 times are very busy in China for business because of Canton Fair. People everywhere. Flights double price, easily delayed, even can be canceled. Hotel double/triple price with not good enough service. 

0.5 - 3 days are good enough.

2. For big and extensive buy:

Come from middle of Mar. to middle of May, so products will not miss Christmas selling season.

Come from middle of Sep. to middle of Nov. , so products can be shipped out before Chinese New Year which lasts for a month for factories.

3-7 days may need.

How to get visa:

  1. Single entry: tourist visa ans business visa both works. you can apply whichever convenient for you.
  2. multi-entry business visa, you may need something to prove that there is a need for multi entry.

Our option for you: we're willing to invite our customers by sending them invitation letter, along with hotel booking, at any time.


No need for me to blah here, booking agents and booking sites can help you with everything you need.


Yiwu has four 5 star hotel, many 4 star hotels, and a lot more small good hotel for both work and after work. 

  • If only for work, you can click here to see which hotels are close to market
  • If you also need to have something to do after work, i recommend YINDU hotel: old hotel, small rooms, but has friendly service and close to pretty much everything esp. a big night market behind. This hotel also has the best security guys and bell boys in whole Yiwu. Kingdom hotel is in the downtown area of Yiwu city. It has the best food in Yiwu. And a night club in basement.

Our option here for you is: we have slight better rate than bookings sites, we can usually book faster. If you're too busy, let us book for you.

Transportation & China SIM card:

You can:


Pick up from Yiwu airport and Yiwu train station is usually free. Can not pick up from Yiwu bus station.

You may need a China SIM card for Yiwu visit, which can save you lots of roaming cost. You can book together with pick up via above links.


  • For Don't-Buy-Visit, just need to come with credit card for hotels, and some cash for personal expense.
  • For cash and carry / stock buy, you need to come with enough cash. 500-Euro-note is the best option. 30 pieces should be enough.
  • For big & extensive buy, you need to have cards for hotel, cash for personal expense,  you may also need to wire some money to your friends' account or agent's account in advance, for urgent deposit.

Our Option Here for You Is: 

You can wire some money to our company bank account, we can exchange out for you when you arrive. Of course, you don't have to do this unless you feel safe with us. We can offer reference from our customers when necessary.

Step 4: Enjoy Visit!

  • Comfortable shoes and clothes for lots of walking.
  • Bring a big luggage for samples/gifts.
  • Eat healthy and sleep good to keep fit.

Download & Print, Start Preparation Today, With Our A to Z Check List:

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Contact Us:

*You can either email us at:;

Or leave us a message via below contact form;

Or WhatsApp us by the code at bottom of this page, or via mobile phone number +86 159 2428 6660, from 9am to 9pm(China time);

Or visit us at: F2, 2-7, Huan Qu Yi Da (Yiwu Global Reach) Supply Chain Park, Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province, China.

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Phone/WhatsApp/WeChat Number: +86-15924286660

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