There are more than 500 suppliers inside Yiwu Futian market (Yiwu Intl. Trade Mart), on 3rd and 4th floor of section A in District 1.
Plus 100 + more suppliers on a street market within 15 minutes away from this main market.
500+ factories in and nearby Yiwu are products all types of Christmas decorations:
Based on the fact that 90% of the Christmas decorations in this market are for exporting, price have to be competitive and quality is relatively low.
Most of products here need to be ordered. Minimum order quantity starts from 1 carton. Lead time can be from 1 - 3 month, up to order size and factory production.
Pay a visit is the most efficient way, you can finish browsing the whole market in 2 days and finalize order in another 3 days for a full container mixed of Christmas decorations. The best visiting time is from March to May. Get visa (if needed), book flights, book a hotel close to market. You can get all these details on go to Yiwu page.
When you are in Yiwu, you may browse the market by yourself first, then meet some agents after you have potential suppliers, to decide who is going to take care of your orders and shipping. You can download an Yiwu market guide app for basic direction, translation, notes taken, getting online help.
If you're not able to visit Yiwu in person, find a Yiwu agent to see how they can help you without travelling. Most of agents can help you somehow.
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Or WhatsApp us by the code at bottom of this page, or via mobile phone number +86 159 2428 6660, from 9am to 9pm(China time);
Or visit us at: F2, 2-7, Huan Qu Yi Da (Yiwu Global Reach) Supply Chain Park, Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province, China.
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