
Why I will go back to Jack...

by EM
(London, United KIngdom)

I am very happy and thankful that I came across Jack's website.

I am based in London, England and I have made contact with a potential supplier through With dozens of scam stories abound, I was of course hesitant and nervous. I decided to contact Jack to ask him to check if the supplier was legit.

Jack responded to my email in less than 24 hours and in his email he told me that he had already phoned the supplier, and that he plans to visit their offices the next day -- bear in mind that I have not paid Jack a single pence at this stage!

We agreed a fee, which I thought was very reasonable, and Jack's job was to check if the supplier was legit, co-ordinate payment, quality control and shipping.

My order came within 2 weeks as agreed. In every step of the way, Jack updated me and even phoned me once just for friendly chat. However, this gesture had assured me that Jack is a trustworthy person.

It was only a small order but Jack very patiently checked the items and reported his findings to me. Furthermore, I sent the payment to Jack through Paypal, as the supplier did not have a paypal account. Jack handled the payment and ensured that the supplier got paid.

I highly recommend Jack's services, especially if you are new to buying from Yiwu like me. I look forward to my trip to Yiwu in the future to meet Jack and his wife Jin personally. However, I think this may be delayed because I already have Jack to do all my business for me in Yiwu!!!

If you wish to speak to me personally to obtain a reference for Jack, please ask for my details from Jack -- I will be happy to have a chat with you about my experience!!

United Kingdom

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Sep 07, 2010
do u have their email?
by: Anonymous

i was trying to contact this company, but the contact form not working, u have their email? i'm based in London too. tks

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