
Who Should Come Yiwu?

Store Owners, Importers / Wholesalers, Online Sellers:

Basically, anyone interested in importing from China for large variety, small quantity, cheap and small products must check out Yiwu market first.

Yiwu is the Mega for chain store owners, department store owners, supermarket owners, dollar store owners, even who selling online.

*If you happen to 

  • Own chain stores.
  • Own several shops for toys, gifts/crafts, stationary...
  • Have distribution channels for large variety products.
  • Have one or two supermarkets for everything.
  • Have lots of dollar stores, pound shops.
  • Sell online.

Then come to Yiwu. This is a place that will help you make good profit.You will find that 99% products selling at Yiwu market can be sold at your own store at 5+ times more of their buying price. 

Say, you buy one flush Barbie at 1.00 USD; you can sell it in your store for at least 5.00 USD. For some small things like hair clips, sewing kits, photo frames… the profit margin can be totally out of your imagination.

These are all the good things about Yiwu. Good prices make sure you have enough profit; Big variety helps you mix up a full container easily.

Things People Don't Like About Yiwu:

Quality - You Pay Junk Price for Junk:

Although the quality improved a lot in recent years, especially after the worldwide financial crisis, people still think it’s too risky to buy without excellent quality inspection. 

I once ordered two packs of “red envelopes”, around 4,000 pieces for myself. When my parcel arrived, I found none of the patterns were what I had selected previously. It’s bad enough. But they were still workable in my situation. So i just leave it. Too much hassle to go back to return and argue. I didn't have enough time either.

But if you're in a high level market and have plenty of picky customers, you'd better be careful.

Solution for this problem can be having someone professional and dedicated to do inspection for you.  And... ... there is usually more money in junk.

Minimum Order Quantity IS Not That Much An Issue Now:

As online selling is booming in China as well as globally, a large percent of suppliers are carrying stock now. I can say over 30% suppliers in sections like jewelry and hair accessories carry regular stock.

Of course, if you have big volume, you're more welcomed everywhere. And you can have the best possible price.

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Or visit us at: F2, 2-7, Huan Qu Yi Da (Yiwu Global Reach) Supply Chain Park, Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province, China.

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