
We found him and his team to be friendly, honest, trustworthy and diligent

by Suzie Johnson
(New Zealand)

We would like to recommend Jack & Jins service at GGGG for importing.

We are Nzers owning retail shops in the north island.

We started importing early in 2010, when we arrived for the first time in China we had no knowledge of where to go or how to import. We found Jack on the internet, met him by training from Shanghai to Yiwu. We were nervous as had heard horror stories about business in China, Jack explained the whole process about intepreters, quanitites, conversions, production time of goods, deposits, invoicing, quality control on pick up and organized the shipping.

We placed our $money, and trust with jack, we found him and his team to be friendly, honest, trustworthy and diligent. Our goods arrive safely and have sold well.

Good luck with your buying, I am genuine in rcommending Jack & his team.


Suzie Johnson

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Nov 20, 2014
Thank you Sussie
by: Jack Yang, Tony, Lily

Thank you for ALL. Esp. your effort helped us increase our performance. I'm looking to seeing you soon :)

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