
The customs here (Colombian) checked the shipment three times and could not find any problems.

by Jack

Hi Lily,

I am attaching the final invoice with the correction we made for the Colombian customs.

Please use it in case the Colombian government contact you to confirm the information

These year you did a better job, than last year, we had to make minor corrections, but the Colombian customs are very difficult, so we can not have any mistakes. We were able to fix the small mistakes before the customs checked the shipment.

We finally received the shipment yesterday, so for next year I need you to deliver it faster.

The customs here checked the shipment three times and could not find any problems.

Thank you for all your help.

Please confirm that you received this invoice for your récords,

Best regards,


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Oct 24, 2018
Thanks for your good news
by: LILY

Hi Jack,

This really a good news. Thank you.

This year the we spent long time in QC.

Next year I will find the way to do more faster.

Oct 24, 2018
Great News
by: Jack Yang

Hi Jack, this is exiting news.

Having a textile shipment of 600+ lines on invoice and packing list to pass Colombian customs, is ALWAYS a huge challenge.

Glad to know we're keep improving.

Thank you Lily, i'm proud of you and our team. You did a fantastic job, as always.

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