- Part of below content is updated on Jan.04, 2025.
The VERY fast train, G Train, from Shanghai to Yiwu lunched end of 2014. This new train(actually new railway) makes the whole journey even shorter, only one hour and a half. Other trains are too slow, not recommended.
* Train is only recommended if you have tickets in hand, or got tickets booked and paid over internet, and you are familiar with train transport system, and you have at least 30 mins in train station prior departure. During holiday time, train stations are usually packed with people, can easily lose time from line up to another line up.
Otherwise, i recommend you book a car:
Pick up at PVG(Pudong airport): private car / taxi between PVG airport and Yiwu.
Pick up from a Shanghai hotel / other address: car / taxi between Shanghai hotel and Yiwu hotel.
There are over 50 trains go to Yiwu from Shanghai. From 6:00am to 9:00pm, each 10-30 mins, there is train.
Most of these trains departure from Hongqiao train station, but also some departures from Songjiang and Jinshan Bei train stations. Choose one that is right for you.
Below is a timetable only for reference:
G4917 05:44 07:08 1hr 24mins
G7331 06:20 07:48 1hr 28mins
G7333 06:30 08:05 1hr 35mins
G1383 06:45 08:27 1hr 42mins
G1651 06:56 08:42 1hr 46mins
G2365 07:09 08:52 1hr 40mins
G2365 07:28 08:52 1hr 24mins (From SONGJIANG)
G1371 07:22 08:57 1hr 35mins
G2189 07:28 09:07 1hr 39mins
G2189 07:48 09:07 1hr 19mins (From JINSHAN BEI)
G1505 07:53 09:49 1hr 56mins
G1505 08:21 09:49 1hr 28mins (From JINSHAN BEI)
G1377 08:21 10:05 1hr 44mins
G7325 08:26 10:37 2hr 11mins
G7325 08:53 10:37 1hr 44mins (From JINSHAN BEI)
G1347 09:50 11:24 1hr 34mins
G1347 10:06 11:24 1hr 18mins (From SONGJIANG)
G2193 10:48 12:21 1hr 33mins
G1375 11:16 12:49 1hr 33mins
G1327 11:39 13:23 1hr 44mins
G7591 12:01 13:39 1hr 38mins
G1387 12:20 13:56 1hr 36mins
G7335 12:30 14:13 1hr 43mins
G1369 12:40 14:21 1hr 41mins
G7375 12:46 14:26 1hr 40mins
G1659 12:57 14:31 1hr 34mins
G1389 13:10 14:36 1hr 26mins
G1329 13:43 15:17 1hr 34mins
G1355 13:48 15:22 1hr 34mins
G1303 14:10 15:45 1hr 35mins
G1635 14:35 16:10 1hr 35mins
G1637 15:17 16:57 1hr 40mins
G7337 15:32 17:07 1hr 35mins
G7321 16:17 18:02 1hr 45mins
G1361 16:42 18:17 1hr 35mins
G1363 17:09 18:53 1hr 44mins
G7385 17:32 19:35 2hr 3mins
G1393 17:45 19:26 1hr 41mins
G7323 17:53 19:47 1hr 54mins
G7371 18:08 20:01 1hr 53mins
G1395 18:28 20:05 1hr 37mins
G7339 18:35 20:19 1hr 44mins
G1227 18:51 20:20 1hr 29mins
G7381 19:09 20:57 1hr 48mins
G7491 19:31 21:15 1hr 44mins
G7399 20:53 22:32 1hr 39mins
G7383 21:18 22:58 1hr 40mins
2nd class: ¥113, 1st class: ¥189, business class: ¥377.
*Above schedule is only for reference. We can buy tickets for our customers who booked our Yiwu market buying agent service.
All of fast trains or we call bullet trains from Shanghai to Yiwu departures from Shanghai Hongqiao Train Train Station to Yiwu train station (上海虹桥火车站) , then pass by JINSHAN BEI or SONGJIANG station.
Above 3 ways can take you from PVG airport to Hongqiao train station. **All times EXCLUDE time for buying tickets and having transfers.
Below the white color line shows the Suburban Line. The green color line shows Metro line 2.
P.S. Better get someone to buy the tickets one day in advance, because some of the fast train tickets can be sold out by the time you get to train station.
* Share a taxi with others is usual in Yiwu, but ONLY under passengers' permission. Passengers can refuse to pay if it's not under their permission.
* Always insist putting on meter and ask for receipt(发票, reads "Far, P-ee-or ") before paying fare.
*You can either email us at: YiwuMarketGuide@gmail.com;
Or leave us a message via below contact form;
Or WhatsApp us by the code at bottom of this page, or via mobile phone number +86 159 2428 6660, from 9am to 9pm(China time);
Or visit us at: F2, 2-7, Huan Qu Yi Da (Yiwu Global Reach) Supply Chain Park, Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province, China.
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