
Overall is Good. Excellent follow up & respond, products received good, affordable charge & commission...

by Shirley
(Austin, TX, US)

Overall: Good
Business Ethics: Good
Follow up & Respond: Excellent
Products Received: Good
Problem Solve: Good
Charge & Commission: Affordable

I like working with Mike, he is responsive. He generally does what he says he will do, he is organized that helps me out a lot.

I don't have any complaints, I think that sourcing wise, if more effort is put into looking for a wider pool of sources that would be helpful.

This year in 2014 was really just the start of some activities and on our end, we're still trying to get organized, I anticipate that next year, there will be more volume and tighter time lines, we won't have as much room for delayed shipment, or holding to an order ...things like that...

so.. my recommendation is to be more discipline if following up with suppliers in between order placement and production dates promised and delivery time so that we don't find out on the day that we are expecting an order that it will actually be late.

Comments for Overall is Good. Excellent follow up & respond, products received good, affordable charge & commission...

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Dec 17, 2014
Thank you, Shirley
by: Mike Zhou

Hi Shirley,

Thanks for your geniune comments, will pay special attention on the production timeline and hope can do a better job in the coming new year, thanks again:)

Dec 05, 2014
Thank you Shirley
by: Jack

Hi Shirley, thank you very much for your genuine feedback. Hope you will find lots of improvements in the coming year. Thanks again.

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