Are you going to open your very first new store? Do you need to buy lots of different products, for small quantities, at low prices?
This article shows you HOW:
Considering the broad range of products, wild categories, small quantities, low prices... you may need to chose an agent close to your supplier base, for efficiency.
Yiwu and Guangzhou are usually the top 2 places in China for this purpose.
As this will cross many different categories, an agent partner with multi category experience will end up with better quality control, as well as smoother follow ups.
You may have different ways to check this up, but looking for referrals can be a good option some times.
You can talk and contact different agents to see how they react. And finally chose a few potential ones with whom you feel comfortable with.
Considering the large number of suppliers and long collection and inspection time, having a self-managed warehouse with plenty space is a plus.
Seeing the faces and talking to real persons can usually end up with better results.
Set up a few video calls to decide potential partner, or partners. You are free to work with a few of them at the same time.
Then work out a plan.
Paying a visit is necessary, esp. when you plan to spend a lot of money.
If you are not going to spend a lot of money, then you can do this remotely.
It's up to your budget.
You can easily select all your products within one visit. The length of the visit is usually up to how much you are going to spend.
This should already be discussed with your potential partner in the plan.
You can also choose your products remotely, either with help your partner agent, or on your own. When visiting Yiwu market, it's the best to choose products together with your partner agent.
After choosing products, your partner agent will be able to handle the rest including ordering, collection, inspection and shipping. You may already working on marketing and promoting your products at this stage.
In some cases, you may need to work with a local customs clearance agent / forwarder to clear and your deliver your shipments after they arrive at your port.
Once you select a right partner in China, the supply part should already be secured. It is important.
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Or WhatsApp us by the code at bottom of this page, or via mobile phone number +86 159 2428 6660, from 9am to 9pm(China time);
Or visit us at: F2, 2-7, Huan Qu Yi Da (Yiwu Global Reach) Supply Chain Park, Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province, China.
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