Medical Supplies & Equipment in Yiwu China

Below is a short list of some suppliers, you can check these shops with help of our YMG(Yiwu Market Guide) App:

D means District, gate means gate number, str. means the aisle inside that section, the last number is the shop number.

D2 44gate 2floor 11str 15487

D2 40gate 2floor 11str 15104

D2 40gate 2floor 10str 15060

D2 42gate 4floor 19594

D2 44gate 2floor 11str 15503

D2 39gate 2floor middle str 14946

D3 69gate 2floor 4str 25826-2

D3 63gate 2floor 1str 25317A,25317B

D4 5gate 2floor 25str 36701

D4 83gate 2floor 5str 35750

D4 1gate 2floor 5str 34428

D4 81gate 2floor 8str 35342

D4 77gate 2floor 5str 34860B

D4 74gate 2floor 21str 36552

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