
Lily was very helpful, patient and responsive.

by Steven

Overall: Excellent
Follow up & Respond: Excellent
Products Received: Excellent
Problem Solve: Excellent
Charge & Commission: Affordable
You like us for: Fantastic communication from start to finish. Lily was very helpful, patient and responsive.I hope that our goods are sold quickly so we can make future orders from Jack.

Hi Lily,

Sorry I have not been in touch since the receipt of the order a couple months ago, I would just like to say thank you for all your help, you were excellent and I would highly recommend your services.

Out of the whole order there were very few issues, a couple of damages but nothing major or worth reporting, the only real mistake that I have come across so far is with item 6234, 23cm metal candlestick. I have attached 2 images, the first 1 is of what we have received, which is just a candle holder without the LED candle. The second is correct and as you can see it does have the LED candle.

I would have come to you sooner but this was one of the last items we took product photos of, so it's only just been brought to my attention.

we ordered 24 of these products and would have liked to receive them but if a replacement is not possible would we be able to be credited for these?

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Dec 09, 2015
It hard to be zero problem, but we try our best.
by: Jack

Below i published the emails between Lily and Steven to show how we resolve problems.

It's impossible to be 100% perfect when order from 40 suppliers of 200 different products, then consolidate into one full container.

But we try, do our most, to win a happy return customer.

Dec 09, 2015
Already send out Via EMS
by: Lily

Hi Steven,


Will update the tracking code to you soon once I got. Already send out Via EMS. 7-10 days arrive.

I have take out the battery and put red insulating sheet on the battery box. In case if you sales need this.

Nice day.

Dec 09, 2015
by: Steven

Yes all correct, send it out in the cheapest way for you, we've missed the holiday season now so we're not too urgent for it.

Dec 09, 2015
Recipient address
by: Lily

Hi Steven,

Recipient address again:


Steven xxxxx

Tel: 0138x xxx xxx

Is right?

Dec 09, 2015
no problem
by: Steven

Yes, no problem.

Dec 09, 2015
will arrange the air freight
by: Lily

Hi Steven,

I will arrange the air freight for you.

But the candle supplier give us with battery, air freight goods can not with battery. Can I take out the battery then shipping to you?

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Dec 09, 2015
better for us if you air freight
by: Steven

Hi Lily,

Thank you for getting back to me, I do not know when our next order is going to be but as it's most likely not going to be for several months it would be much better for us if you air freighted them to us. Would that be a problem?

Dec 09, 2015
I have take the 24 pieces candle from supplier
by: Lily

Hi Steven,

I will confirm with you in tomorrow. Already talk with supplier and we have find better solution already. Thanks for your waiting and sorry again for this mistake.

Hi Steven,

I have take the 24 pieces candle from supplier, for big size sample in the shop also like this. Put the candle on it. Please refer to step picture in attachment.

We can send out for you with next time order or air freight to you. Your ideas?

Dec 09, 2015
the additional white candles would still not make it correct
by: Steven

Hi Lily,

It looks that in fact the complete incorrect product has been sent as you can see in the attached images, the first is of the 6234-A, this has a built in LED candle light which is correct, however the larger one 6234 as you can see this does not have the built in light so it is the incorrect item, so the additional white candles would still not make it correct

Dec 01, 2015
Reply from Lily
by: lily

Hi Steven, sorry for make you troubles.

As we talked with supplier, supplier will give us this 24 pieces white candle tomorrow.

We can either send out for you or ship with your next container.

Dec 01, 2015
Thank you Steven
by: Jack

Hi Steven, thank you for your feedback. Lily will get back to you soon. I'm sure she will come up with a very good solution for this problem.

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