
How many keychains are on sale in Yiwu market?

As per Mr. Stockmann from Lion TV(UK)'s request, i'm going to find out "how many keychains are on sale in Yiwu market?" I hope i can find out some interesting figures. 

barbie keyrings / keychains wholesale yiwu market chinabarbie keyrings(keychains) wholesale Yiwu market China

There are over 100 different barbie keychains from this supplier in district 2 of Yiwu futian market.

ice cream, fake fruits keyrings wholesale yiwu market chinaice cream, fake fruits, fake bread keyrings wholesale in Yiwu market China

This shop is selling about 450 different key chains with components of artificial food and fruits.

fluffy balls keyrings wholesale Yiwu market Chinafluffy balls keyrings wholesale in Yiwu market China

This shop is selling keychains with fluffy balls of all sorts, total about 300 different balls.

leather cute animals keyrings wholesale yiwu market chinaleather cute animals keyrings in yiwu market

This shops is selling leather cute animal keychains, total about 500 different key chains.

cheap keyrings wholesale yiwu market chinacheap keyrings wholesale in yiwu market china

This shops is selling cheap plastic keychains of all sorts, total about 700 different designs.

assorted keychains wholesale yiwu market chinaassorted keychains wholesale in yiwu market china

Over 2,000 different keyrings of all kinds are on sale in this shop. One customer is picking up her own keyrings, from a wall of keyrings. 

numerous stone-on-metal keyrings wholesale in yiwu market chinanumerous stone-on-metal keyrings wholesale at this shop inside yiwu market china

Can not figure out (numerous) how many different key rings from this shop. The shop manager doesn't know either.

metal keyrings wholesale yiwu market chinametal keyrings wholesale in yiwu market china

There are about 1500 different keychains are on sale in this shop.

classic metal keyrings wholesale yiwu market chinaclassic metal keyrings wholesale in yiwu market china

There are "many many" different keychains in this shop.


Nobody knows exactly how many different keychains are on sale in Yiwu market, like the shop manager doesn't know how many keychains inside her own shop. 

If you ask them: "how many keychains do you have? "

They usually smile at you: "many many..."

If you insist on a number, well, there at least 200 shops in Yiwu market sell keychains, suppose half of them are selling the same stuff, then at least 100 shops, times 500 keychains per shop by average, total 50,000 keychains minimum.

I'm sorry but i hope you're OK with this answer. Thank you!

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