
Jack proved his trust, work ethic and commitment. I could't be happier with the decission I made.

by Partyk

I'm happy to be one of Jack's clients. The company he runs offers all the services I need to do whatever is necessary to import from China.

I thinks the hardest thing for newcomers is to decide and say YES - I'm in.

But I can assure you, that since I decided to work with Jack, I had no regreats ever since. Jack proved his trust, work ethic and commitment. I could't be happier with the decission I made.

I could name many things that I'm thanksful for, but instead I'd like to share what I admire the most. And this is their precision and accurancy. It's not so common in this business.

Thanks Jack and keep going!

Comments for Jack proved his trust, work ethic and commitment. I could't be happier with the decission I made.

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May 22, 2014
nice working with you
by: Kevin

Hi Partyk, it's always good to work with you, and your wife. Very nice and fair people.

Thank you for your business and i'm looking forward to be your guide again this Sep.

All the best to you and your wife :)

-Kevin from JIN-JACK team.

Apr 26, 2014
seems it's a good decision
by: Jack

thank you Partyk.

still remember how reluctant you were while visiting our office. i understand it was a difficult decision to hand your cash to a guy you found out online. but it turned out like we're already forming a kind of close bond bother business and friendship.

well done to both of us :)

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