
Jack knows where to bring you for Halal food!

by Neeza

Thanks Jack for helping organizing me n my frens during our trip to Yiwu. Been there twice and this was my first time hiring a translator for my group. His a calm person and very helpful. He can talk english very fluent compare to other people that i met.

I suggest to all who wants to go to Futian Market, pls hire a translator and use his service to make better communication with the supplier.
12 people joining my group were very happy with his service. So dont hesitate to contact him ya!

And for those from Malaysia who wanted to go to Yiwu, Jack knows where to bring you for Halal food.

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Mar 15, 2014
need a trade partner
by: Javaid

I am happy to hear that there are places for halal food. Please reply with some addresses. We are planning to visit in October 2014.
webstartraders at gmai lcom

Feb 08, 2010
by: Anonymous

where is my comments?

Feb 08, 2010
seems an intesting person
by: Anonymous

You luck people, i wasted so much time when i was there on my trip.

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