
Jack and his stuff mean business!

by Aleksandar

Long story short:
If you are looking for reliable agent in Yiwu look no further, Jack and his stuff will be your eyes, ears and hands there!

Now the long story:
We have been doing business with China for some time now.., From first hand learned, that many of the agents simply do not provide first rate service.

We learned hard way with our last agent, although in the beginning was OK, over time they began to overcharge us on well everything: they overcharged us on shipping to warehouse, they come up with ridiculous charges from thin air, they overcharged us on products (they put percentage for themselves), there were missing items (for example there were suppose to be 200 items in the box, but there were only 100 pcs) etc....

That is why in February 2019 we decided to look for new agent. Jacks company came in our short list, we asked for some trade references, they provided and everyone was giving them highest recommendation.

That was the deal breaker for us, even knowing the fact that other agents charge from 2-4% commission and Jack charges higher than this.

We explained our needs and he assigned PANPAN as our agent. And oh boy, she is smart, efficient, experienced, she is simply all business...

While she was preparing our order, I felt like I was there but on steroids thanks to her experience and knowledge of the Chinese market.

She provided 5-10% cheaper prices on the same products we paid higher in the past.

She collected, inspected and shipped our order for 20 days, while sending us real-time info and photos during the process.

We are definitely continuing with them, and if they keep this level of service we are here to stay.

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Jun 03, 2019
Thank you very much
by: Jack Yang

Dear Alexander,

This is a one of our best reviews ever. Although you told me you "just spoke the truth". Highly appreciate.

Just hope we can have less pressure on cash flow for our next container. Thank you!

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