
How to ship by FCL / LCL from Yiwu?

Ship by FCL(full container load) from Yiwu:

This is the way that most buyers like to use because it’s so much cheaper and secure to ship by a full container.

It’s also very easy to operate: get all your suppliers, no matter a few or a dozen, deliver all your products to your warehouse, then let the container go to your warehouse, get loaded and shipped. You open that container in the warehouse at your destination port or even in your own warehouse.

Buyers usually use a trade agent to do this. Trade agents will do everything: collect goods, do QC, provide warehouse/load men, arrange customs declaration, prepare documents …and follow up the whole process.

The charges of trade agents for this part of service are usually included in their commission which you both agreed.

AND you don't need to worry that much about what should be filled in your container. Yiwu market has zillions of products for you to choose from, a few cartons of this and a few cartons of that can easily fill up a 20 feet(28 cubic meter), if not a 40 feet container.

The easiest way my clients using is filling some disposable foam food containers to fill up the extra space. Only around 45 USD/CBM (cubic meter), but they are popular products you can sell out with no problems. These foam containers are very light and can also be used to protect your expensive products.

In most cases, you'll also need a customs clearance agent/forwarder at your destination port to help you with the clearance and handling.

And you’d better also know the restrictions (if any) and solutions for importing your products into your country before shipping your container from Yiwu. Customs and customs clearance agents of your port can help that with no problem. 

Ship by LCL(less than container load) from Yiwu:

If you tried but still cannot fill up 15 CBM (an experience data, if you have less than 15 CBM, It’s better to ship by LCL; if more than 15 CBM, go for a 20 feet container. You can obtain the exact data from your destination port), then you may consider using LCL.

The process is more or less the same with shipping by FCL, but you need to have a mark on each carton. It’s really cheap to ship this out from Yiwu, but the handling charges at your destination fees are usually very high. 

This is all about how to ship by FCL (full container load) and LCL(less than container load) from Yiwu. Hope it helps. If you have further questions/need this service from Yiwu, please leave me a message by the contact form in About Me section on the left. 

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