
Can you provide wedding flowers as per pictures?

by Johan

Hi Jack, i have an event planning and decorating company. I need flowers. Is it possible for you to buy flowers according to my pictures and themes from your market? And send me. What are the shipping costs?

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Feb 15, 2020
Yes we can ship wedding flowers as your picture
by: Jack Yang

Dear Johan, thank you very much for contacting us.

Yes we can send you flowers as per your wedding decorating picture. Please provide the quantity for each flower with sizes. For example:

#1, Pink wisteria, as per picture, 120 pcs, length 110 cm

#2, Purple orchid, as per picture, 60 pcs, length 40 cm.


You can also provide the decoration space dimension and your budget, we will work out a proposal for you with shipping cost included.

I also need to know by which date you will need to receive all these flowers.

Please contact us directly by below contact information for faster communication. thanks

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