
A Very Special Couple

by Doug
(Chicago, IL USA)

During the panning of our first visit to Yiwu - we were fortunate enough to find Jin and Jack Yang - and booked them as our agents for our trip.

THey were both amazing to work with and helped us immensely during our visit to the markets.

The markets are very tough to work - and it is hard to figure out which stalls can actually produce to an acceptable quality, which ones are just sales people na dwhich ones are actually factories being represented. Jin did an amazing job of helping us steer clear of people who would not be able to meet our needs.

The most important part of their service,however, took place after we had selected our product needs and placed our orders. It is after we left Yiwu that Jin and Jack really started their hard work for us.

They placed all the orders - coordinated all our companies requirements to the vendors, had samples made and shipped to us. Had printing and fabric labels made for us. Took care of deposits, followed up on timeframes - arranged shipping - perfomred the QA,etc.

It would be IMPOSSIBLE to do business with anyone in Yiwu without a great agent to help you navigate all the issues. From what I understand there are many agents to choose from. I also know that many are no good and once you leave Yiwu - they will not follow through or do a great job for you with QA, etc.

Jin and Jack really do an amazing job both while you are in Yiwu in search of product and after you leave Yiwu.

I can highly recommend them to anyone seeking to do business in Yiwu.

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Jul 12, 2010
We really enjoy working with Doug.
by: Jack

Doug is a real business MAN. He knows well enough that:

"You pay peanuts, you get monkeys."

I remembered that as his order was pretty big and consistent, so we agreed for a 4% commission. BUT he increased this rate to 6% after he heard of 4%.

The following workload proved that he was right. That's really a 6% commission job.

We really enjoy working with Doug, and people like Doug who knows "Win-Win" and does "Win-Win".

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