After years of helping buyers buy from, we would like to share some advantage of this website. is the BIGGEST online wholesale market in China. It has the most factory resources, and the most wholesale products. You can find whatever you need there.
Unlike offline wholesale markets, many suppliers on offer consistent supply, which makes it easy to reorder. This is a big advantage for online retailers like Amazon sellers. Many suppliers also keep stock (inventory).
Compared to offline wholesale markets or manufacturers, many suppliers on offers lower MOQ.
Transparent prices on makes price compare very easy. Buyer can select right supplier faster.
1688 makes it easier for buyer to find origin sources / factory for certain products in certain areas.
For examples, most of sunglasses are made in Taizhou; while 80% of non-woven bags in China are produced in Cangnan. offers a credit points system to protect buyers. Sellers account can be suspended or eventually closed if they violate certain rules (discrepancy, defects, delay...) .
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Or WhatsApp us by the code at bottom of this page, or via mobile phone number +86 159 2428 6660, from 9am to 9pm(China time);
Or visit us at: F2, 2-7, Huan Qu Yi Da (Yiwu Global Reach) Supply Chain Park, Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province, China.
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