
From Shantou to Yiwu:

Flights from Shantou to Yiwu:

There are flights leaves from Shantou and Yiwu.

* Actual info. please refer to booking sites / travel agent. 

Trains from Shantou to Yiwu:

Sorry, no direct trains go to Yiwu from Shantou yet. You can choose to go to Guangzhou first then go to Yiwu from there if you really want trains.

Or maybe just forget it...

Buses from Shantou to Yiwu:

There are several inter province buses leave from Shantou for Yiwu each day. They usually leave at the afternoon and arrive in the early morning.

It can take up to 17 or 18 hours, and the price is around RMB 330.

Taxi Fees from Yiwu Airport, Yiwu Train Station to Yiwu City/Your Yiwu Hotel

#1 Taxi Fees from Yiwu Airport to Yiwu City/Your Yiwu Hotel: 45 RMB - 65 RMB, according to your hotel location.

#2 Taxi Fees from Yiwu Yiwu Train Station to Yiwu City/Your Yiwu Hotel: 35 RMB - 55 RMB, according to your hotel location.

Hope this info would help you won't get too ripped off.

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Go to Yiwu from Other Locations:

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