
Yiwu Night Market/Bingwang Night market

As more and more visitors are asking me questions about Yiwu night market / Bingwang Night market(宾王夜市), or called San Ting Lu night market(三挺路夜市), so I went to the market for the first time to explore by myself.  But i have to tell you i don't like shopping ;)

Yiwu night marketYiwu night market bird-view

What Are There?

Oh, yes. Lots of fake brands: Nike, addidas, Puma, D&G… I can just number these I saw, but I’m sure there are far more than this. These logos are printed on all kinds of things: bags, clothes, shoes, sun glasses, belts, watches… even on bras and shorts.

So if you’re after these babies, then go to this night market. Theses around 700 shops won’t let you down. 

yiwu night market rolex watchRolex = $10.00?
Yiwu market toysToys
yiwu night market adidas socksAdidas socks too

Beside, these are also lots of snacks and local food at both ends of night market. They're really tasty, but you have to have a good stomach that can adjust these food. Don't eat too much...

yiwu-night-market-food 1Food
yiwu-night-market-food 2Food

When open?

It’s a night market, so it opens once the night falls.

Summer it opens at about 6:30 PM till midnight.

Winter, it's earlier – around 5:30 pm till midnight.


Sang Ting Lu/三挺路, just beside Bingwang market.

How to Get There?

Yindu hotel, International Mansion hotel, Yiwu hotel, Yihe hotel, and a lot more small hotels are within walking distance.

From other places, you may need a taxi. Here is the addr. in Chinese:


Yiwu Taxi Tips:

Share a taxi with others is usual in Yiwu, but ONLY under passengers' permission.  Passengers can refuse to pay if it's not under their permission.

* Always insist putting on meter and ask for receipt(发票, reads "Far, P-ee-or ") before paying fare. 

What Other Visitors Have Said:

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yiwu night market 
I'm just back from china yiwu i stayed there for over 20days in the day was business time and evening ninght market... I bought a lot of present for …

"Hi, I am chinese from Malaysia. It's my first time in Yiwu Nightmarket. It's very-very long nightmarket but things display there are not so well manage by seller to attract visitor. Not like Malaysia KL Tmn Connaught Nightmarket, a lot of attraction products.

Some tent have very litter things and a few products hanging on display, most are cheap product, don't look attractive. But one things that attracted me is the local girls wear fashionable clothing that can't find in this nightmarket."

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